Yass Sheep & Lamb Sale

Wednesday 3/7/2024
Yarded 12,665 hd

Lamb numbers remained steady and the quality was mixed with only a limited supply of well finished trade and heavy lambs. There were plenty of lighter weights and secondary trade lambs. Not all the usual buyers were operating and despite that, prices were firm to $5 dearer across most lambs.

LIGHT LAMBS (20kg – 22kg) $130.00 TO $172.00
TRADE LAMBS (22kg to 26kg) $158.00 TO $210.00
EXPORT LAMBS (26kg+) $211.00 TO $250.00
TRADE  MERINO LAMBS (20kg to 26kg) $110.00 TO $144.00
HOGGETS (22kg+)   TO $178.00
MERINO WETHERS (18kg+) $66.00 TO $157.00
MERINO EWES (18kg+) $68.00 TO $127.00
CROSSBRED EWES (18kg+) $84.00 TO $153.00

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